Just One of them Days

I’m currently experiencing my second sinus infection in one month. Sinus infections are the main reason I do not fully enjoy the Spring and Fall months. Oh, they are pretty to look at, that’s for sure but those up and down temperatures wreak havoc on my mucus system. Once again, I’ve taken to Buckley’s. My…

Long Time No See

It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything. Life did not stop, mine simply went along quietly. So, I have a few items I feel I need to address before updating. Thank you, Kris (Tangled Web), for reaching out to check on me. That was very thoughtful. *butch hug* If there is someone out there with…

Versatile Blogger Award

First things first, thank you very much Dining With Lesbians for the nomination! You are one of my favorite ‘new to me’ bloggers! I find your writing interesting, educational and humorous. 🙂 Now, here are the rules: 1. Thank the person who gave you this award. 2. Include a link to their blog.  3. Select 15 blogs/bloggers…

A to Z Challenge: U is for Unclear

Unclear, yes this is my word for the letter ‘u.’ Yes, it’s a stretch but so is sitting upright, staring at a bright screen and typing. Please, bear with me. Unclear, foggy, hazy. . . these words describe my brain the past 48 hours. I’m on day three of a major headache and the pills…

A to Z Challenge: T is for Throbbing

‘T’ is for throbbing because that is what my head is doing presently. I need to nip this one in the bud, so to speak, or I will have a migraine. It’s one of those. . . it’s already moved over to above my left eye. I’m off to go find some over-the-counter medication and…

A to Z Challenge: S is for Study

At the age of 40 something, I thought my days of studying were behind me. Not so, my friends. My gal pal, sk, and I are studying for our Canadian citizenship test! I think this is the last step before we can attend a swearing in ceremony and make our transformation into Canadian citizens official.…

A to Z Challenge: Q is for Quirks

Yes, I am still behind in my writing challenge so today I’m going to make the letter ‘Q’ as easy as possible. Q is for quirks. We all have them, don’t try to pretend that you don’t. I have my fair share of them so I’ve come up with a list of things that make…

A to Z Challenge: P is for Pictures

Since I did the driving during our trip to the States, my gal pal, sk, took the pictures. On the afternoon we went to my father’s grave site, I drove around where I grew up fascinating sk in the meantime by the amount of land my family once owned. The following pictures are all from the…

A to Z Challenge: O is for Oops

Oops,I’m behind in my challenge. Today is the letter ‘Q’ . . . I think so anyway. Last week, my gal pal and I went to the States to pay our respects to my recently departed father. That meant hours of driving, sharing memories, reminiscing as we looked at photo albums, went through clothes, etc. You…