Gender identity to determine where Ontario transgender inmates are placed | CTV News

This is great! Hopefully, this helps make an already difficult situation safer. I know there are plenty of stories out there concerning this issue, but imagine if you can:

Being a trans man, arrested and then processed as a female even though your driver’s license clearly states you are male and you identify as male. Then, during intake, your prosthesis is passed around becoming the joke of the day. Finally, on your day in court, you are dressed as a female, freed and sent out on the street. This is a very dangerous, and true, scenario.


Gender identity to determine where Ontario transgender inmates are placed | CTV News.



2 thoughts on “Gender identity to determine where Ontario transgender inmates are placed | CTV News

  1. I’ve always wondered about this (well, not everyday of course!) – It just highlights that humans are not and have never been black or white but come with many shades and many issues in between. Legislation should wake up to this fact a lot quicker than it does.

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  2. Sadly it took a foreign trans woman suing the Ontario govt. because of the manner in which she was treated after her arrest of a VISA violation to get the ball rolling for a positive change. But as they say, change is change, and we are better off today for it. Thanks for reading and commenting. Cheers.

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